First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo


July 27
8:30 a.m. • CLC Dining Room
Dress A Child is a ministry of FBJ that provides resources for families and school clothes for the children who have a parent currently incarcerated. In addition to providing clothes, we have representatives from the legal, medical, social services, and family support communities to answer questions and help navigate families to needed resources. Volunteers are needed to welcome attendees, pair with families, serve food, make crafts, and play in the gym.

Food Delivery Teams

FBJ partners with Deliver Me Senior Support Services to deliver monthly food boxes to older, low-income senior adults with limited mobility. Each month, teams deliver close to 300 boxes of food. Since taking this ministry in 2020, FBJ has shared more than 7,000 boxes, and the need is growing. The time commitment is minimal. It requires up to two hours on Saturday morning or Tuesday during lunch. If you are interested in serving occasionally or want more information, use the button below to contact Dr. Jim Spikes. 

Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace is a ministry through FBJ’s partnership with the Center for Pregnancy Choices in our shared commitment to bless, encourage, and help moms who have chosen to keep their children. This group meets weekly for Bible Study, discipleship, and life skills training led by committed church members. One of our greatest needs is for volunteers to walk alongside these families and for couples willing to help with transportation so that the participants can get to the meetings regularly. Use the button below to contact Dr. Jim Spikes for more information.

MDOC Church Planting Support Team

FBJ’s group of trained and committed volunteers actively supports and mentors Freedom Faith Fellowship’s leadership and members. Freedom Faith Fellowship is one of three Women’s congregations planted in the Women’s Correctional Facility in Rankin County. The Church is led by residents of the facility who have completed or are in the process of studying for a seminary degree through New Orleans Baptist Seminary. We are beginning a parallel ministry within the Men’s facility, so there will be opportunities for men and women. If you are interested or would like more information, use the button below to contact Dr. Jim Spikes.

Metro Assistance Ministry

Metro assistance ministry aims to provide one-time assistance for those who qualify to help with utility bills. Through this ministry, we have helped prevent multiple families from moving into homelessness or confronting the winter or summer without heating or air conditioning. This effort is prayer-based, with a strong emphasis on engaging applicants with the Gospel. We need volunteers to help with our intake interviews and confirmation interviews with the different utility providers. Training is available for anyone interested in helping. If you are interested or would like more information, use the button below to contact Dr. Jim Spikes.


Hands-on Ministry for Members

One of FBJ’s more hidden needs is the need of some of our older members for assistance with things like yard care, home maintenance, etc. The Hands-on Ministry of the Deacon body was created to help address these needs. We are looking to restructure and expand this ministry to include deacon leadership and other church members who are available to help when these needs arise. If you have a heart and a desire to bring Joy to the Church through this very practical and needed effort, use the button below to contact Dr. Jim Spikes.

Online Decision Counseling

Every Sunday, our worship service is livestreamed on multiple platforms and broadcast on two local TV networks. At the end of the service, we share a phone number for those listening to call or text to talk with trained volunteers. These volunteers man our call center, respond to requests for prayer by phone or online, and interact with those who choose to participate remotely in our services. Training is available for everyone. If you want to join this team to engage lostness at a personal level and in locations far removed from Jackson, you can get more information by contacting Dr. Jim Spikes.

Barnabas Teams

The Barnabas Team was formed to help welcome those making decisions to feel loved and accompanied at this vital time. The task is simple. Team members come and sit with those who come forward during the response time of the Sunday worship service, help them fill out the initial card, accompany them to the Sanctuary Parlor, and visit and pray with them until one of the ministers arrives to continue the conversation. This first contact is important. Anyone can be trained and part of this team. If you desire to help new members begin their spiritual journey with FBJ in the best way possible, this may be your opportunity. Use the button below to contact Dr. JIm Spikes for more information.

Crossover Coffee

One visible ministry that church members have been blessed by is the Crossover Coffee team on the second floor of the CLC at FBJ on Sunday mornings. It has proven to be a great connection and conversation point for many and has brought joy to many in the church. The team behind this would welcome anyone interested in helping exercise their gift of hospitality. Contact Dr. Jim Spikes for more information.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Media Team

The Media team is looking for volunteers to help with our audio and video production. No experience is needed, just a willingness to learn and give your time! Contact us at the link below to learn more and be a part of a team that supports all ministries of FBJ.



Our 2024 mission trips give First Baptist Jackson members opportunities to share the Gospel in places as close as Marks in the Mississippi Delta, as remote as Botswana, and many points in between. To learn more about these trips, visit our Global Outreach page.