Deacon Nominations

Deacon nominations for terms beginning January 1, 2025, are closed.

June 1, 2024

Dear FBJ,

We will be accepting nominations throughout the month of June for men to serve as deacons at First Baptist Church. Because we believe that God speaks through His church, we really encourage you to nominate some men to serve. You will find links on this page that will guide you to the qualifications and expectations of deacons and that will provide you with a short form to make nominations. Each name submitted will be prayerfully considered as the Deacon Nominating Committee seeks God’s direction in adding to this body.

As you consider who the Lord may lead you to nominate, let me ask you to do a few things. For one, look at each nominee through the lens of the characteristics of a deacon described in 1 Timothy 3:8-11. According to this verse, deacons shouldn’t be chosen based on potential but on proven character. Secondly, please don’t ask a potential nominee for permission to submit his name. The Deacon Nominating Committee may not recommend every person nominated to serve the next term. There’s no need to potentially cause hurt feelings that could come from a man not being selected. Thirdly, please pray for the Deacon Nominating Committee. They have a sacred task as they seek God’s guidance. It’s not an easy one, but one they need to fulfill with conviction regarding God’s leading.

Thank you for nominating men to serve. Being a part of a church is a wonderful gift from God as, together, we get to be a part of how He leads His people.
