A person could also ask the question, “Aren’t there many ways to God?” We live in a culture today that values pluralism and diversity. In this context, it is easy to assume that all paths are equal in value and have the same end – even when these different beliefs are mutually exclusive and lead to very different destinations. It seems that a person’s perceptions or preferences are the final measure of what is true and valid rather than an objective standard pointing us to a specific goal.
As Christians, we believe the destination has a great deal to say about the validity and the truth of the paths we choose. Even as our culture embraces diversity, some things remain absolute. For example, if someone in Jackson, MS wanted to travel to Memphis, TN, they could choose, as is their privilege, to travel east or west on Interstate-20. In doing so, it is an absolute truth that no matter how far they traveled or how long they traveled, this person will never arrive at Memphis unless they changed direction.
All roads or paths cannot lead to God because there are so many different ideas of what or who God is. Some paths lead to “gods” that call us to achieve the goal, whatever that may be, through our personal effort, work, struggle, and sacrifice. Few people reach this “destination,” but the value comes from making the effort. On the other hand, Christianity has an entirely different view of how life achieves meaning and purpose. It points to a God who is radically different and personal. It leads to a God who loves his creation and who desires a personal relationship. As God, however, he has the perfect right to demand that those who seek him satisfy his expectations and standards – just as does every other faith, philosophy, or religion. Different from other gods, this God recognized the impossibility of imperfect people reaching him on their own. Because of his love, he took action and did everything necessary for anyone who wanted a relationship with him to have it as a gift. This God is one who actively seeks those who need him. He does not wait passively for those searching to stumble on to him by accident. There is a path that leads to him if you choose to take it. We can help if you are interested.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.
God has given us evidence of His existence:
We believe that God is real and personal and desires to have a personal relationship with each of us. If you want to talk more about the nature of God and who he is, we would love to hear from you.
Because Christians look to the Bible as their source of knowledge about God and what He desires, it is logical to ask how we can know the Bible is true. This question has been the subject of thousands of books, articles, and blog posts. The Bible is the most studied and analyzed book in the history of the world.
There is a lot we could say, but here’s a brief outline answer. We know the Bible is true because of:
There is much more we could add. But if you have further questions about this issue, please contact us.
This world is very diverse. In it thrive amazing animals, a multitude of natural environments, beautiful cultures, creative arts, medical breakthroughs, significant accomplishments, beautiful acts of love, and Divine blessings. However, it also contains opposition politics, wars, religious fanaticism, riots, disease, false information, and many other less desirable things.
We can all agree that it can be a confusing, broken, and sometimes harmful place. We all need direction and answers to help navigate this world in which we live. This doubt leads us to ask: “Who can I trust for the answers?” We are all searching for someone to provide not just an answer for a single issue but wise counsel to help direct our entire lives for good.
First Baptist Jackson believes that the most trustworthy source for wisdom and direction lies in God, “The Beginning of all Wisdom.” God loves you and has made you and desires you to have a full life.
This life includes a purpose to live spiritually in a relationship with God; to live physically with specific talents and abilities to produce, work, and cultivate; and to live mentally with passions, desires, and emotional peace. God created you, and He is the source of truth for the answers you seek.
Because God is good and our Creator, you can trust His guidance. He is Truth, and He never contradicts Himself. God often guides us while we talk with Him, through the reading of His Word (the Holy Bible), in the experiences we have, and by hearing wise counsel. If you have a question or concern about anything and have difficulty finding a reasonable resolution to your problem, please feel free to contact First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi. Our church family would love to help you navigate any issue with you with love. We do not presume to have all the answers, but we can point you to the One who does.
“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.” Proverbs 18:15
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6