
February 16, 2025

Thank you for worshipping with us today! We hope you feel welcomed and will come back to visit again soon.

Our various ministries are designed to build community and growth specific to your stage of life. We desire to serve you and serve with you.

Our staff is always here to help if you have any questions or specific prayer needs. You can learn more about information about FBJ, Sunday School, upcoming events, ministries, staff, and more, here on our website.

We look forward to seeing you again soon!

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Today’s Worship Service

Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.
Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.


Today Pastor Chip returns to Genesis, with a new series called God’s Plan of Redemption. In this series, we will see how Abraham’s faithfulness in God leads to God’s plan of redemption through Jesus and how God has a plan for all of us.

Psalm 150
Blessed Assurance
His Mercy Is More

Same God

Genesis: God’s Plan of Redemption
Pastor Chip Stevens

Lord, I Need You

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Sunday Nights in the Spring

Sundays, February 16, 23, and March 2
6:00–7:00 p.m. • Fellowship Hall East

Who Are You – Really?

In this study, Pastor Chip Stevens will explore the creation of mankind in God’s image, our relationship with God, the fall of man through sin, and our possible salvation through Christ. 

Preschool, Kids, and Students will have related programs.

Remember that we will be taking Sunday Nights on the road to Madison County in March and to Rankin County after Easter. We will have more details about these coming soon.

DIVE IN THE HIVE • The Hive (1st Floor)
Preschoolers will dive deeper into our weekly lesson and monthly theme through Bible story, crafts, and games.

KIDS JAM • 5th Floor Big Room
Kids engage in worship, Bible study, games, and more!

STUDENTS • CLC 3rd Floor

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo


Join us on January 15 for the return of Midweek at FBJ. Enjoy supper with your FBJ friends, then grow in your discipleship through Bible study, participating in choir or orchestra, or volunteering to serve. Midweek also includes activities and worship time for Preschoolers, Kids, Students, and College students. 

Men’s Study: God’s Promises
6:00 p.m. • E401

Men of all ages and stages are invited to join Matt Oswalt to explore how God created you for a life of purpose. God’s promises are found throughout scripture and serve as a compass for finding this purposeful life.

Moms Reset
5:45 p.m. • CLC Dining Room

Moms of preschool, kids, and students are invited to join Women’s Ministry to explore a praying heart, a busy heart, a hurting heart, and a steadfast heart. Join other moms after dropping off kids at the CLC Gym!

4:45 p.m. • Family Supper
5:00 p.m. • Bible Drill
5:45 p.m. • Mom’s Reset

6:00 p.m.

    • Choir & Orchestra rehearsals (Begins January 8)
    • Midweek for Preschool, Kids, Students, College
    • The Story of the Bible (Chip Stevens)
    • Your God is Too Safe (Cyndi Grace; Women’s Study for all ages)
    • God’s Promises (Matt Oswalt; Men’s Study
First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Tuesday Men’s Bible Study

Lunch Line opens at 11:00 a.m.
Teaching from 12:15–12:45 p.m.

Dr. Billy Stewart will continue the study of Philippians when Tuesday Men’s Bible Study returns on January 14. Invite a colleague or neighbor, and join us. Teaching is from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.; the lunch lines open at 11:00.

Menu: Poppyseed chicken, baked chicken, rice pilaf, blackeye peas, green beans, roll/cornbread, salad, dessert, chicken and rice soup.

Daddy Daughter Ball on January 31, 2020

Daddy Daughter Ball

February 21 • 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
For ages K4–6th grade

Join us for dancing and dessert at the Daddy Daughter Ball!

Daddy Daughter Ball on January 31, 2020

Behind the Fine

February 27 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Women, join us to hear testimonies from other FBJ women while enjoying coffee and dessert. This month, Regina Minga and her daughter Anna will share their stories.

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Great Commission Conversations
Podcast Launching February 17

The FBJ Global Outreach ministry is hosting a new podcast, Great Commission Conversations: a podcast for ordinary people who want to be involved in extraordinary things. Twice a month, Robert Fortenberry will talk with guests who will share their experiences in missions ministry. Allison and Brett Barnhill of Reclaimed Project are the guests for the first episode. Look for Great Commission Conversations on your favorite podcast platforms beginning February 17. 

Behind the Fine

March 28

Teens and adults with special needs enjoy the prom experience with music, dancing, and refreshments at Joy Prom. 
Joy Prom is an event that requires many volunteers (junior high, high school, college, and adults) in these areas: providing/prepping food or serving food; traffic/crowd control; golf cart drivers (or providing a golf cart); making/providing decorations; and greeters in various areas. Joy Prom is sponsored by the FBJ Student Ministry, but any eligible volunteer can register to be part of this special night!

Ken Sims Golf Scramble

DATE: Thursday, April 10
TIME: 1:00 p.m. – Shotgun Start | 12:00 p.m. – Registration begins
LOCATION: Patrick Farms Golf Club
FORMAT: Four-Man Scramble
COST: $75 per player (includes range balls, round, cart, and lunch)

Invite your friends, golfing buddies, co-workers, etc. to join us for the event with proceeds going to benefit the Center for Pregnancy Choices. Each player will register individually and can indicate if they have a group they intend to play with. Don’t have a four-man team? We can connect you with a group to make a foursome.

Red Tees and Mulligans will be available on-site at $5 apiece.

If you are interested in being a hole sponsor, please contact David Nichols at [email protected]. Hole sponsors are $100.

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Dr. Lee Cope Run for the Son

April 19 | 8:00 am
$25 (5K run/walk)
$10 (Joy run (13 & under))

The Dr. Lee Cope Run for the Son is scheduled for Saturday, April 19, with a start time of 8:00 a.m. There will be a 5K Run, 5K Walk and a Joy Run for the kids. We would love for you to be a part of bringing this wonderful Jackson tradition back.