read to feed the soul

Written by FBJ Women for Women

October 20, 2020

by: Mysti Chustz

Make Me Brave

I was not born brave. One of my earliest life memories was on the preschool playground watching a girl fly across the monkey bars. I cringed, “What if she falls?!” I closed my eyes because even the thought of watching the potential crash (that never happened, by the way) made me uncomfortable. It wasn’t worth the risk. Playing it safe is where I shall remain.

I don’t know what makes people brave. but it seems that some have larger doses. I have three children and each one was born with varying levels of bravery. One is terrified to try new things and must be pushed. One thrives in the unknown and must be wrangled back to safety. One is a thinker who calculates risk to determine if outcome outweighs risk. They all weigh courage on different scales. What is a heavy burden for one causes another to light up with life. Life experience may have lessened or strengthened them, but innately they have varying amounts of internal gumption to step out into the unknown.

I’m encouraged by the definition of the word itself. Brave- “facing dangerous or difficult situations with courage and without showing fear.”

The phrase “without showing fear” encourages me. Why? Because I can be afraid but not be shut down. I can take brave actions even in my fear and God will uphold me. From cover to cover, scripture is filled with fearful people who God made brave for their tasks at hand. I want God to take this often cowardice heart within me and make it brave for His glory. I’m also finding one of the joys of growing older is that I’m becoming braver! There are many reasons for that, but God’s proven faithfulness in my life is one reason that I am growing less fearful. Never has He been unfaithful in the past, never will He be unfaithful in the future. This proven certainty emboldens me.

Has God called you to live courageously? Maybe something BIG will happen if we step out courageously. It’s possible, but it’s not likely. Brave living doesn’t always mean monumental behavior. It likely means following through in my hard commitments, trusting God on greater levels in marriage and parenting, saying no to things that aren’t meant for me, using my gifts in greater capacities, loving those who are hard to love. In a nutshell, being obedient in all things. Even when I don’t know where I am going. Even when I might fall and others might see. I must know that my God is strong within me.

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the Lord your God is the one who will go with you.”

“Lord, make me brave. A courageous me can only mean one thing… You, God, are at work in me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Mysti Chustz

Mysti Chustz


  • Mysti Chustz has been following Jesus since she was six years old.
  • She is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. Her most favorite roles are being wife to Philip and mama to Coleman, Mary Lamar, and Clay.
  • If one verse was used to describe her life, it would be Philippians 1:6. “Be confident of this, the One who starts the work in you is faithful to complete the work in you.”