read to feed the soul
Written by FBJ Women for Women
by: Mysti Chustz
Light Every Morning
Light every morning. We close our eyes to darkness at the end of each day, and we awaken to light. Praise be to God for light!
The last several months have forced me into a new practice. I’m trying to be faithful in noticing light when I open my eyes each morning. I can barely pour my coffee before the world is throwing some pretty dark bombs, but God has given light every single day. What if we remembered to thank Him each morning for light? I think it might change us.
Interesting how the complicated nature of the world can actually simplify us. It can boil out the impurities in us if we will let it. The light of a new day is no longer discarded as mundane. If noticed, we see God’s remarkable provision for us. Not one day has He left us in the darkness.
God didn’t have to grant light today. He sure didn’t. But because He did, let’s let it chase away the darkness and give praise to Him. 1 John 1:5 comforts us, “He is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” At all.
Even in our times, He is generously illuminating our paths. Make yourself notice that more than you notice the dark spaces. We belong to Him. No matter the state of the world, LIGHT is our inheritance.