read to feed the soul
Written by FBJ Women for Women
by: Elisa McCurley
It’s My Burden to Bear
Have you ever loaded up your arms with grocery bags and not be able to lift them? I have. I usually underestimate my own strength. I imagine all of us have from time to time. However what about the burden of sin? Do you have a sin that is holding you down? Is there something in your past or present that is keeping you from taking the next step? God has a solution.
Give it to him. Let him share the yoke. Actually, He already took it off you, you’re the one grabbing it back. It is time to give it up. Let it go. If you have repented, He has forgiven you.
We should always recognize the burden of our sin, but never take the glory of Jesus away by taking that burden back onto ourselves.
It’s just a thought, but I’m thinking….
My debt canceled is a burden to my soul,
Having sent my Lord to suffer for my tole.
I carry each ‘n every day a burden to bear,
A nail scar to remind me of His loving care.
It is my burden to bear for freedom’s share,
Heaven waits for me ‘n I’ll live forever there.
At the foot of the throne, all of me laid down,
Worshiping my Savior, lifting to Him my crown.
I’ll praise ‘n thank He who owns my soul,
For His blood-love shown to this lost foal.
Knees bowed and my tongue confessing,
That I am undeserved of all His blessings.
It’s my burden to bear ‘n my joy that’s risen,
Turning my sin into a sweet fragrance given.
Now and forever I will give my Lord His glory,
He took my burden from me writing a new story.
How can I bear the burden that’s heavy on my mind?
How can I make amends to a risen Savior for my sin?
He did lift this burden and made my soul shine.
Sweet is the aroma of undeserved forgiven sin.
Sweet is the aroma of undeserved forgiven sin.
Colossians 2:13-14 says, “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”
Lord Jesus, We are in awe of your love for us. We praise your name. We thank you for the burden of sin you have lifted from us. Help us to to show, to the world around us, how light the yoke we share with you is. In your sweet fragrant name we pray, Amen
Elisa McCurley
Elisa McCurley