Thanks for visiting FirstBaptistJackson.org to find out how you can make a home at FBJ. We are honored you would take the time out of your schedule to join us, so we want to make your experience the best it can be. We have services each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. The service is also streamed live on our platforms listed below and is a great way to check things out before you arrive.


  • Sunday School at 9:00 am
  • One Worship service at 10:30 am



  • Guests are invited to park in designated parking sport in the CLC parking lot at the corner of North and Mississippi Streets. Look for the Green signs at North and Mississippi Streets to direct you to reserved parking.
  • Parking is also available around the First Baptist Jackson (FBJ) campus on College Street, State Street, President, North, and Mississippi Streets. Look for the blue “Welcome” banners to indicate FBJ parking lots. 
  • Parking is available in the Christian Life Center parking garage.
  • A ramp is available to the Sanctuary entrance on College Street, across from the State capitol. The President Street entrance is another option for an accessible entrance to the Sanctuary level of the building.


  • Entrances to the main Sanctuary building are open on State Street, College Street, and President Street. There is a ramp at the College Street Entrance (the nearest parking is on College Street), and the President Street entrance is on the second level of the building, with easy access to the Sanctuary, Welcome Center, and Starting Point guest reception area.
  • The primary entrances to the campus on Sundays are State Street and the Christian Life Center.
  • To get to the sanctuary, you can access the Sanctuary from the Christian Life Center using the Skywalk on the 2nd level, or entering through State Street and taking the stairs or elevators to the second level.
  1. How can I connect with a Growth Group?
    Growth Groups (Sunday School, Bible studies, etc.) are meeting on campus at 9:00 am. If you are looking for a group, text “FBJGROUPS” to 94000, and we will help you get connected.