read to feed the soul
Written by FBJ Women for Women
by: Mysti Chustz
Unending Praise
My daughter’s hymn playing over and over and over has lifted my heart on many a day. The missed notes, the long pauses to correct herself, the starting over again and again… her practice sounds out the living Gospel to her Mama’s heart. She doesn’t know that, but I sure do.
I remember learning to play the Doxology as a young girl. Even now, I cannot hear it without my heart settling into a hard church pew as a little girl, singing it as we closed Sunday night service. Songs change over the years but music of the gospel can never NOT penetrate. It will always and forever remind, restore, and revive. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…” We will keep on doing that… then, now, and forever. Our worship may be an imperfect, broken offering but we still have to give it to Him. We praise Him in our mistakes. We praise Him in our long, unsure pauses. We praise Him in our stops and starts. We must not stop praising the God from whom every single blessing in this life and the life to come flows.
He is good. Quite frankly, He is downright ridiculously good to never stop pouring out blessing on me. “Bless the Lord, O my soul. Let all that is within me bless your Holy name.” Psalm 103:1
Dear Father, I pray you sees my heart as one who never stops pouring out my praise on you.