read to feed the soul

Written by FBJ Women for Women

March 25, 2021

by: Elisa McCurley

Present Tense People

Have you ever rehashed a past event in your mind or maybe in front of a mirror, always with a new ending, especially with clever wording? We all have past moments we would love to go back and rearrange. We can’t. The past is forever recorded and will never change; however we can look toward the future. Just don’t forever be waiting on the future to get here. You see, we are for all time living in the present. Today is our time. The only time we are given.

The Hebrew people were told to build houses, plant vineyards, and raise children in captivity (Isaiah 65:21; Jeremiah 29:5,28). God didn’t want them wasting time waiting on rescue. He wanted them pouring out themselves and alive with hope. We are told to “Go” . . now . . . not later. Not when things are perfect, not when we feel better, not when we can afford it, but now, today.

Our blessings can be great while we are living our lives compared to when we are waiting for life to happen. After all God is present tense. God always has been and always will be, but God always IS! His Word says,

“But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today.” Hebrews 3:13.

In other words get up and live for you have a purpose and a plan to live out. Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow may not be, but today, today is a canvas on which we create something that brings glory to our Lord. Let’s join Jesus and live in the Present Tense.

Living King of our hearts,
Thank you for today, for its potential and its opportunities. Give us ears that hear and eyes that see what the Spirit has for us Today. May Jesus be our inspiration and teacher. In the precious name of our Savior, Amen.

Elisa McCurley

Elisa McCurley


  • Elisa Minor McCurley has been a child of God since she was 27.
  • Married to Thomas for 54 years and Mom to Tracie and Mark, Grandma to four.
  • Retired from her career as an Interior Designer.
  • Now and until she steps into heaven a Bible teacher, Poet, Writer, Artist, and dedicated to living out His plan and purpose for her life.