Teens (13 and older) and adults with special needs will enjoy the prom experience with music, dancing, and refreshments at Joy Prom. We welcome groups from organizations as well as individuals. Please use the appropriate form below to register a group home or an individual for Joy Prom.
For safety/medical reasons we require that a chaperone accompany each person participating. If you are in a Group Home, we require one chaperone per 5 adults. No one should be dropped off or left unattended. Chaperones MUST stay the entire night.
Event Updates
FBJ will send important information about Joy Prom after registration. Please make sure you enter an email address that is correct and checked regularly.
How can you help?
Joy Prom is an event that requires many volunteers (junior high, high school, college, and adults) in these areas: providing/prepping food or serving food; traffic/crowd control; golf cart drivers (or providing a golf cart); making/providing decorations; and greeters in various areas. Joy Prom is sponsored by the FBJ Student Ministry, but any eligible volunteer can register to be part of this special night!